Tired of getting the short end of the stick at the dealership? Here’s how you can finally outsmart those slick car salesmen and get the deal you deserve on a used car.
1. Do Your Homework
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dusan Petkovic
Before you even step foot on the lot, know the true value of the car you’re eyeing. Salesmen rely on your ignorance, but a little research on pricing and recent sales can arm you against overpricing.
2. Secure Financing First
Image Credit: Shutterstock / inewsfoto
Get your loan approved beforehand. Dealers love to trap you with high-interest rates. Beat them at their own game by bringing your own financing.
3. Time Your Visit
Image Credit: Shutterstock / TZIDO SUN
Go when they’re desperate: late in the month or during bad weather. Sales quotas can make salesmen squirm—and that’s when they drop prices.
4. Start Low
Image Credit: Shutterstock / CrizzyStudio
Throw a lowball offer their way. It sets the bar for negotiations lower, and while they may act insulted, they expect this dance.
5. Shut Down Add-Ons
Image Credit: Shutterstock / JomNicha
Reject pricey add-ons and extended warranties. These are pure profit for them and rarely worth the cost for you.
6. Demand Vehicle History
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tada Images
Insist on a comprehensive vehicle history report. No exceptions. If they hesitate, what are they hiding?
7. Play Hard to Get
Image Credit: Shutterstock / chomplearn
Show interest but never desperation. Make them see you’re willing to walk away. That’s when they’ll start making real offers.
8. Use Flaws as Leverage
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov
Every scratch and dent is a bargaining chip. Point out every flaw and demand a lower price for them.
9. Avoid Emotional Attachment
Image Credit: Shutterstock / pathdoc
Don’t gush over the car. Stay neutral and keep them guessing about your level of interest.
10. Bring a Mechanic
Image Credit: Shutterstock / KOTL
Have a trusted mechanic inspect the car. Their expert opinion can reveal costly issues, which are negotiating gold.
11. Use Silence
Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes
Silence is awkward; let them fill it with concessions. The first person to speak usually loses ground.
12. Walk Away Once
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bilanol
If the deal isn’t right, walk away. Often, they’ll call you back with a better offer.
13. Close Confidently
Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes
When you get the offer you want, close the deal confidently. Remember, you’ve just outplayed a player.
Full Throttle Negotiations
Image Credit: Shutterstock / 4 PM production
Walk onto that lot like you own the place and walk off with a steal. With these tactics, you’re not just buying a car; you’re winning a battle.
The post How to Successfully Negotiate a Used Car Price first appeared on Mechanic Insider.
Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Inside Creative House.
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