15 Driving Habits That Could Land You in Hot Water—Are You Guilty?

Driving in the USA involves more than just following the traffic laws. Are you unknowingly breaking these unwritten driving taboos that could make you a target of road rage or worse?

1. Hogging The Left Lane

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ssuaphotos

The left lane is intended for passing, not for cruising at a leisurely pace. This behavior causes traffic congestion and accidents, contributing to an estimated 10% of highway collisions. Always move over to allow faster traffic to pass.

2. Not Using Turn Signals

Image Credit: Shutterstock / mpohodzhay

Failing to use turn signals when changing lanes or turning can cause confusion and accidents. Neglected turn signals cause around two million accidents annually. Always signal your intentions to keep everyone safe.

3. Tailgating

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sue Thatcher

Driving too closely behind another vehicle is not only annoying but also dangerous. Tailgating leads to a significant number of rear-end collisions, accounting for approximately 23% of all crashes. Maintain a safe following distance to prevent accidents.

4. Blocking Intersections

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ryan DeBerardinis

Entering an intersection when you can’t clear it blocks cross traffic and pedestrians. This can lead to traffic jams and accidents, contributing to urban congestion and increasing the risk of side-impact collisions. Always ensure there’s enough space to get through the intersection before proceeding.

5. Flashing High Beams

Image Credit: Shutterstock / trambler58

Using high beams to signal other drivers can be blinding and dangerous. High beam flashing is a significant cause of nighttime accidents, contributing to about 30% of nighttime collisions. Use your high beams responsibly.

6. Not Letting Others Merge

Image Credit: Shutterstock / photosounds

Failing to allow  others to merge, especially in heavy traffic, is discourteous and can cause accidents. Cooperative driving reduces the risk of collisions, with merging-related accidents accounting for nearly 5% of all crashes. Be courteous and let others merge safely.

7. Distracted Driving

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gutesa

Using your phone, eating, or any other distractions while driving is a leading cause of accidents. Distracted driving contributes to over 3,000 deaths and 400,000 injuries annually in the U.S. Keep your focus on the road at all times.

8. Speeding in Residential Areas

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kuznetsov Alexey

Driving too fast in residential areas endangers children and pedestrians. Lower speeds significantly reduce the likelihood of severe accidents, with speeding contributing to nearly 40% of fatal crashes in residential zones. Slow down and be mindful of your surroundings.

9. Cutting Off Other Drivers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / nyker

Abruptly changing lanes without proper signaling or space is dangerous. Improper lane changes cause thousands of accidents each year, accounting for roughly 10% of all vehicle crashes. Always ensure there’s enough room before changing lanes.

10. Not Yielding to Pedestrians

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bilal Kocabas

Failing to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks is illegal and dangerous. Pedestrian fatalities are a growing problem, with over 6,000 pedestrian deaths reported annually. Always stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.

11. Blocking Driveways

Image Credit: Shutterstock / jpreat

Parking in front of driveways is not only inconsiderate but also illegal in many places. This can cause significant inconvenience and conflict with property owners. Always be mindful of where you park.

12. Excessive Honking

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fotos593

Using your horn excessively can be irritating and escalate road rage incidents. Excessive honking contributes to road rage incidents, which lead to about 1,500 serious injuries or deaths each year. Use your horn sparingly and appropriately.

13. Rolling Through Stop Signs

Image Credit: Shutterstock / SHUBIN.INFO

Failing to come to a complete stop at stop signs is dangerous. Rolling stops contribute to a significant number of intersection accidents, accounting for approximately 700,000 crashes annually. Always come to a complete stop to ensure safety.

14. Driving Without Headlights at Dusk

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sue Thatcher

Not using headlights when visibility is low can make your vehicle less visible to others. This behavior increases the risk of accidents, with poor visibility being a factor in about 12% of crashes. Turn on your headlights at dusk or in adverse weather conditions.

15. Ignoring School Zones

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tonktiti

Driving too fast in school zones endangers children and crossing guards. Speeding in school zones contributes to numerous accidents involving young pedestrians, with an estimated 25,000 children injured in school zone accidents each year. Slow down and follow the speed limits in these areas.

Stay out of Trouble

Image Credit: Shutterstock / F8 studio

Avoiding these common driving taboos can make the roads safer for everyone. Be mindful of your habits, stay alert, and drive courteously to help reduce the risk of accidents.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / sirtravelalot

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / antoniodiaz.

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