19 Unspoken Parking Lot Rules You Need to Know

Alright, let’s have a chat about parking lot etiquette. You and I know how to park like civilized people, but it seems everyone else missed the memo. Here’s a refresher on the rules that other folks just don’t seem to understand.

1. Parking Over the Line

Image Credit: Shutterstock / jpreat

We get it—those lines are there for a reason. But why does everyone else think it’s okay to straddle them like they own the place? It makes it nearly impossible for the rest of us to park properly.

2. Using Disabled Parking Spots

Image Credit: Shutterstock / connel

We wouldn’t dream of taking a disabled spot without a permit. It’s not just about manners; it’s the law. But some people think “just a minute” excuses them. Newsflash: it doesn’t.

3. Ignoring One-Way Signs

Image Credit: Shutterstock / dibrova

How hard is it to follow the arrows? Apparently, for some folks, it’s a real challenge. One-way means one-way, people—going the wrong direction can cause accidents and chaos.

4. Taking Up Two Spots

Image Credit: Shutterstock / merrymuuu

Some drivers must think their car is too special for one spot. It’s selfish and infuriating. We park in one spot, so why can’t they?

5. Leaving Your Cart Behind

Image Credit: Shutterstock / S6Wigj

Is it really that difficult to return your shopping cart? We always put ours away, but it seems like everyone else is too lazy to do the same. It’s called common courtesy.

6. Blocking Driveways

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bilanol

We know better than to park in front of driveways. It’s inconvenient and just plain rude. But others seem to think it’s perfectly fine to block someone’s way out.

7. Double Parking

Image Credit: Shutterstock / jpreat

Double parking is a surefire way to annoy everyone. It blocks traffic and can prevent others from getting out of their spots. We don’t do it, so why do they?

8. Speeding

Image Credit: Shutterstock / alexfan32

Parking lots are not racetracks. We drive safely because we know it’s the right thing to do. Meanwhile, some people act like they’re qualifying for the Indy 500.

9. Parking in Front of Fire Hydrants

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Harold C

This isn’t just rude—it’s dangerous. Blocking a fire hydrant can prevent firefighters from accessing water in an emergency. We know better, so why don’t they?

10. Using Parent Parking Spots

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Wirestock Creators

Those spots are for parents with young kids. We respect that, but some folks think any open spot is fair game. It’s called respect, people.

11. Leaving Trash Behind

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Henry Saint John

We always take our trash with us. Leaving it in the parking lot is disgusting and disrespectful. Apparently, not everyone got that memo.

12. Not Yielding to Pedestrians

Image Credit: Shutterstock / jpreat

We yield to pedestrians because it’s the right thing to do. Others? Not so much. It’s dangerous and inconsiderate.

13. Parking in Electric Vehicle Charging Spots

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Darunrat Wongsuvan

Unless we’re charging an EV, we stay out of those spots. But some drivers think their gas guzzler belongs anywhere. Newsflash: it doesn’t.

14. Blocking the Aisles

Image Credit:Shutterstock / BACHTUB DMITRII

Stopping in the middle of the aisle to wait for a spot or drop someone off is inconsiderate. We pull over to the side like decent human beings. Others? They just don’t care.

15. Using Reserved Spots

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Unless the spot is reserved for us, we don’t park there. It’s common sense. It’s too bad that common sense isn’t so common.

16. Failing to Use Headlights

Image Credit: Shutterstock / jpreat

We use our headlights in parking lots for better visibility. It’s a simple courtesy. Why can’t others figure this out?

17. Parking Too Close to the Entrance

Image Credit: Shutterstock / M-Production

We leave the spots near the entrance for those who really need them. But some people think those spots are theirs for the taking. It’s all about thinking of others.

18. Not Watching for Kids

Image Credit: Shutterstock / n_defender

We’re always vigilant for kids darting out between cars. It’s just what responsible drivers do. Others? They’re in too much of a hurry to care.

19. Taking Forever to Park

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Flystock

If it takes more than three tries, we find a new spot. Holding up traffic is rude and inconsiderate. Some folks, though, just don’t get it.

Park Like You Mean It

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexander Sorokopud

So, here’s the deal—we get parking lot etiquette, but it seems like everyone else missed the class. Let’s keep setting the example and hope the rest catch on. After all, it’s just common courtesy, right?

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Laszlo66.

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