10 Car Colors Most Likely to Get You Pulled Over and Ticketed

Whether it’s due to visibility, psychology, or pure coincidence, some car colors attract more attention from law enforcement. Does your car’s color make the list?

1. Red

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Surchesth

Red cars have long been associated with speed, passion, and unfortunately, traffic tickets. A study by the Insurance Information Institute found that red cars are more likely to get pulled over than any other color. The bold, eye-catching nature of red vehicles makes them stand out, especially when speeding.

2. White

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Santi Rodriguez

White is the most popular car color in the U.S., and with so many white cars on the road, it’s no surprise that they rack up a high number of tickets. White cars are often seen as a “safe” choice, but their sheer numbers mean they are frequently involved in traffic stops and accidents.

3. Black

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Everyonephoto Studio

Black cars are sleek and stylish, but they also tend to blend into their surroundings, especially at night. This low visibility could be a factor in why black cars are often ticketed. According to research from the Monash University Accident Research Centre, black cars are 12% more likely to be involved in accidents during daylight hours, which correlates with increased traffic stops.

4. Silver

Image Credit: Shutterstock / VanderWolf Images

Silver is another popular car color that doesn’t do drivers any favors when it comes to avoiding tickets. Silver cars can easily blend in with the road and surrounding environment, making them less visible to other drivers. This subtlety can lead to more traffic stops, particularly for speeding and lane violations.

5. Blue

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Yauhen_D

Blue cars, particularly darker shades, are ticketed more often than you might expect. While blue isn’t as aggressive as red or black, it still catches the eye, especially when speeding. A survey conducted by the automotive site Insurance.com found that blue cars are often associated with higher speeds, which may explain their higher ticket rates.

6. Gray

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Everyonephoto Studio

Gray cars, like silver, can blend into the background, making them more likely to be involved in traffic stops. According to the same Insurance.com survey, gray is among the most ticketed car colors, possibly due to its low visibility in foggy or rainy conditions.

7. Yellow

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Oleg Mirabo

Though less common on the road, yellow cars tend to attract attention—and not always in a good way. The bright, bold color might be associated with sports cars and aggressive driving, leading to more frequent traffic stops. According to a study by Jalopnik, yellow cars, while rare, tend to stand out and catch the eye of law enforcement.

8. Green

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sport car hub

Green cars are relatively rare, but they still make the list for ticketed colors. Bright shades of green can be attention-grabbing, making these cars more noticeable to police, especially in areas where green isn’t a common car color. This attention can sometimes lead to more frequent traffic stops.

9. Orange

Image Credit: Shutterstock / niki_spasov

Like yellow, orange cars are bright and bold, making them hard to miss. Drivers of orange cars, often seen in sports models or custom paint jobs, may be more prone to speeding, leading to increased traffic tickets. Orange is a statement color, and it seems law enforcement notices that statement too.

10. Gold

Image Credit: Shutterstock / More Than Production

Gold cars, while not as common, are often seen as flashy or attention-grabbing, and this can lead to more frequent police stops. The bright and luxurious look of gold vehicles can sometimes be associated with aggressive driving behavior, putting these cars on the radar of law enforcement.

Does Color Really Matter?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Elliott Cowand Jr

While the color of your car isn’t the sole factor in getting a ticket, it can play a role in how noticeable you are to law enforcement. Ultimately, it’s your driving habits that matter most, but if you’re in a flashy car, you might want to be extra cautious behind the wheel.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / sirtravelalot

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Image Credit: Pexels / Pixabay

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / RossHelen.

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