19 Car Theft Myths: What Works and What Doesn’t

Car theft is a significant concern, but many common beliefs about preventing it are misguided. Let’s debunk these myths and provide you with the real facts.

1. Myth: Car Alarms Deter Thieves

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Aleksandr Gavrilychev

You might think a car alarm will scare off a thief, but that’s not always the case. Thieves know how to disable them quickly, and most people don’t react to a car alarm going off. Instead of relying solely on an alarm, consider using a combination of security measures like steering wheel locks and GPS tracking. Remember, a layered approach to car security is much more effective in keeping your car safe.

2. Myth: New Cars Are Less Likely to Be Stolen

Image Credit: Shutterstock / chaipong pramjit

Don’t assume your new car is safe just because it has advanced security features. Thieves are sophisticated and know how to bypass these systems. In fact, new cars can be more attractive targets because of their higher resale value. Always use additional theft prevention measures, such as parking in secure areas and using aftermarket security devices like immobilizers.

3. Myth: Parking in a Well-Lit Area Is Enough

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Think parking in a well-lit area is enough? Think again. Thieves operate even in well-lit areas if they spot an opportunity. Combine lighting with other security measures like surveillance cameras and parking in busy, monitored areas. Over 20% of vehicle thefts occur in supposedly “safe” areas, so don’t let your guard down.

4. Myth: Steering Wheel Locks Are Impenetrable

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Sure, steering wheel locks are a good deterrent, but they’re not foolproof. Thieves can break them with the right tools. For better security, use them alongside other measures like immobilizers and vehicle tracking systems. Don’t put all your trust in one device.

5. Myth: Older Cars Are Not Targeted

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gold Picture

Think your old car is safe? Think again. Older cars can be easier targets due to less advanced security systems. Thieves often steal older models for parts. Installing aftermarket security devices can help protect older vehicles and keep them out of thieves’ hands.

6. Myth: Valet Parking Is Always Safe

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

Handing your keys to a valet? Make sure the service is reputable. Thieves sometimes target valet services to steal cars. Always use reputable valet services and consider using a valet key that restricts access to the trunk and glove box. Don’t assume all valet services are safe.

7. Myth: Leaving the Car Running Is Safe If You’re Nearby

Image Credit: Shutterstock / The Image Engine

Even if you’re just running a quick errand, leaving your car running is a bad idea. It only takes a few seconds for someone to drive off with your vehicle. Always turn off and lock your car, even if you’re only stepping away for a moment. Don’t make it easy for thieves.

8. Myth: Car Theft Only Happens in Bad Neighborhoods

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Blanscape

Car theft can happen anywhere, even in safe or affluent neighborhoods. Thieves often target these areas because residents may be less vigilant. Always stay alert and use security measures no matter where you are. Don’t let a false sense of security put your car at risk.

9. Myth: Tinting Windows Prevents Theft

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Parilov

Tinted windows can obscure the view into your car, but they’re not a guarantee against theft. Thieves might see the tint as a sign there’s something valuable inside. Use window tinting in combination with alarms and other deterrents. Don’t rely on tinting alone.

10. Myth: Leaving Valuables Out of Sight Is Enough

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fongbeerredhot

Think hiding your valuables is enough? Thieves often break into cars on the chance there’s something hidden. Even if items aren’t visible, a thief might take the chance. Always take valuables with you or lock them in the trunk before you reach your destination. Don’t leave anything to chance.

11. Myth: Only Luxury Cars Are Targeted

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Art Konovalov

Thieves steal cars of all types and values. Sometimes, common models are targeted because their parts are in high demand. Regardless of your car’s make and model, always use comprehensive security measures. Don’t think your car is safe just because it’s not a luxury model.

12. Myth: Thieves Avoid Cars with Stickers and Personalization

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Personalized cars can still be stolen. In fact, some thieves might see them as more valuable or unique targets. Personalization should not replace proper security measures. Don’t rely on decals and stickers to keep your car safe.

13. Myth: Keeping the Car Keys Inside the House Is Enough

Image Credit: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska

Do you think your car keys are safe inside your house? Thieves can use relay devices to capture signals from key fobs inside your home and unlock your car. Store your keys in a signal-blocking pouch or box to prevent this. Don’t underestimate the lengths thieves will go to.

14. Myth: Always Trust Parking Attendants

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Pormezz

Even parking attendants can be dishonest or careless. There have been instances where cars were stolen by those posing as attendants. Always ensure the legitimacy of the parking service and avoid leaving valuables in the car. Don’t blindly trust anyone with your keys.

15. Myth: Insurance Will Cover All Losses

Image Credit: Shutterstock / jd8

Insurance can help recover financial losses, but it doesn’t cover everything. Personal items and the time spent dealing with the theft aren’t fully compensated. Prevention is key to avoiding these inconveniences. Don’t rely on insurance to fix everything.

16. Myth: Using the Club Guarantees Protection

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Felipe Sanchez

The Club is a visible deterrent, but it’s not foolproof. Thieves have found ways to bypass or remove it. Use it in conjunction with other security measures like alarms and tracking devices. Don’t rely on one device for complete protection.

17. Myth: Thieves Avoid Cars with Dash Cams

Image Credit: Shutterstock / New Africa

Dash cams are great for recording incidents, but they don’t prevent theft. Some thieves will steal the dash cam or disable it before taking the car. Use dash cams along with other security measures. Don’t rely solely on technology to protect your car.

18. Myth: Car Covers Deter Thieves

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Peter_Fleming

A car cover can deter casual thieves, but determined ones won’t be stopped. They might even see the cover as a sign of something valuable underneath. Use car covers along with other security measures like alarms and GPS tracking. Don’t let a cover give you a false sense of security.

19. Myth: Only Nighttime Is Risky

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fongbeerredhot

Car thefts happen at all hours of the day. Thieves often strike during daylight when people are less suspicious. Always be vigilant, regardless of the time of day. Don’t assume your car is safe just because it’s daylight.

Don’t Be Outsmarted

Image Credit: Shutterstock / supparsorn

Don’t fall for these common myths about car theft prevention. Use comprehensive and layered security measures to protect your vehicle. Stay informed and proactive to keep your car safe from thieves.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Felipe Sanchez.

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